Exodus Addiction Recovery Programme - Direct Your Life in 16 Weeks

The goal of the Exodus Recovery Skills (ERS) Programme, is not just to break free from addiction, but to start a life journey of freedom hope and purpose. It's about reshaping your narrative and embracing a recovery-based identity. 

Who Is This Programme For? 

ERS is designed for everyone grappling with the kinds of addictions that typically come to mind, like substance abuse, pornography, alcohol and disordered eating . But it's also incredibly effective for addressing those less obvious habits that can be just as limiting. This includes challenges like chronic procrastination, emotional dependency, compulsive behaviours, and other forms of self-sabotage. The ERS program is your pathway to freedom, suitable for anyone ready to break free from any chains of limiting beliefs and behaviours.  

Content Modules of ERS:

* Comprehending Addiction: Delve into the complex layers of addiction, understanding both visible symptoms and hidden mechanisms.

* Navigating Recovery: Discover the full scope of recovery, redefining what it means to overcome addiction and embrace a sustainable change.

* Life Recovery Planning: Craft a detailed, personal plan for your recovery journey, setting the stage for lasting success.

* Tackling Triggers: Learn to identify and manage the cues that challenge your recovery, strengthening your resilience against potential relapse.

* Exploring Emotional Intelligence: Develop crucial skills in recognising and managing your emotions, a key factor in breaking free from maladaptive behaviors.

* Enhancing Emotional Intelligence: Actively work on improving your emotional awareness and response strategies for a more balanced life.

* Mapping Your Mind: Challenge and change ingrained thoughts and beliefs that contribute to addictive patterns.

* Coping with Cravings: Understand the nature of cravings and develop effective strategies to manage them without derailing your recovery.

* Maintaining Mooring Lines: Identify and strengthen the practices that keep your recovery steady and secure.

* Working on Self-Worth: Build a foundation of self-esteem based on intrinsic self-worth, fostering a stable and positive self-image.

* Watching for Warning Signs: Learn to recognise the early signs of potential relapse and develop strategies to stay on course.

* Attitude of Gratitude: Cultivate a mindset of gratitude, enhancing your emotional and psychological well-being as part of your recovery journey.

So, what are you waiting for? Don't let another day pass by in the shadow of limiting habits and behaviors. Ask yourself, what is a life of freedom and self-mastery worth to you? The Exodus Recovery Skills Programme offers you the tools and support to make that invaluable change. 

Join us, and redefine what's possible for your life. Book Here