18 Jul

I find it absolutely fascinating but actually more annoying how women are classed as “pre” or “in menopause”.

You undergo blood tests, only to be informed that your estrogen levels are low, confirming that you're "in menopause." 

However, there's something crucial to consider here: there are actually three main estrogen hormones - Estradiol, Estriol and Estrone and they all have a different time to come into play. 

WITHIN our childbearing years, women have higher levels of Estradiol, then Estriol is DURING pregnancy. Estrone, on the other hand, becomes the primary estrogen hormone AFTER our childbearing age, when the body says we can be done having children. 

Now, here's the kicker: which estrogen hormone do you think is typically tested in a standard blood test, when we go to the doctor for our hormonal  struggle? Yip, you guessed it - Estradiol!

Naturally, Estradiol levels will be low if you're transitioning out of having children into the post-childbearing stage. It's a no-brainer, DUH!

Estradiol is the sole estrogen hormone examined in blood tests, even though it's not the dominant hormone for menopausal women!!!!

To make matters worse, some doctors aren't even aware that testing at any female age should be conducted on specific days of a cycle (days 19-23).

Here's another eye-opener: Estradiol is not the hormone associated with cancer risks; it's actually Estrone that poses the threat. Shockingly, Estrone is not measured in blood tests, despite its connection to reproductive cancers. It's a crucial piece of information that often goes unnoticed.

So, when addressing hormone-related issues,

- it's essential to delve into the underlying process behind the symptoms. 

- It's vital to inquire about the what, where, why, and how of each symptom. 

-Look to better manage the areas causing stress, and reevaluate your exercise routine to focus less on cardio and more on resistance-based, interval, and restorative training. 

- Eliminating estrogen mimickers found in plastics and synthetic products should also be a priority. 

Additionally, it's wise to reconsider the pill, as it effectively shuts down your natural cycle and pushes you into menopause. (note: teenagers should refrain from taking birth control pills). 

It’s important to know addressing hormone issues does not come by taking a pill or a patch. You have to manage your environment to manage your hormones. You can be in control. You don’t have to make fun of or ridicule your hormones. Keep your true fun where fun should be - enjoying life! 

For further reading, read my blog on Adrenopause. 

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