25 Sep

The other day, I dropped something that rolled under the bed. As I got onto my knees to get it, I unexpectedly found myself in a Child's Pose. It felt like my entire system immediately breathed a sigh of relief and the heaviness eased to restful. I decided to just stay there for a bit. 

As I started mentally exploring each key part of my position piece by piece, I had a memory nudge of the physical benefits of this posture, and so today I’m sharing some benefits with you. 

The Talus:

The Talus is the front part of your ankle and because of its natural bend, when there’s not much movement it can become restricted. Like hinges to a door, the door won’t move smoothly if the hinges are stuck. So if your Talus is restricted, your WHOLE body is compromised, affecting posture, alignment, balance, range of motion, flexibility etc - no exaggerating when I say basically every muscular and skeletal issue can improve when you focus on this area. (Application - if your Talus can’t reach the floor, it’s ok, just go as far as you can. It will eventually)


Your mid-back or thoracic region is essentially the "control center" for your upper body.  A tight thoracic area can can be affecting your breathing or lung capacity. It will contribute to lower back pain, shoulder problems, neck strain, poor posture, digestive discomfort, and even emotional well-being! How? Your heart is wrapped in the thoracic area!! So this beautiful lengthening stretch can help you “stand tall and strong” both literally and metaphorically! (Application - take fingers to temple and lift your elbow off the floor as far as you can go. Let your eyes follow the elbow).

Nasal Breathing and Abdominal Resistance

The way your stomach presses against your quads in this position actually facilitates better, deeper breathing. As you inhale through your nose, your diaphragm is activated in a way that is very different than in a standing or sitting position. You get a better stretch and fill because of the resistance, giving more strength and capacity. Nasal breathing is a whole essential subject on its own but in short, it’s  absolutely a non negotiable in health for calming the nervous system, acting as a natural filter and humidifier, and giving life to every cell of your body! (Application - breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth with various count patterns).  Here is further reading on breathing: https://www.restoring-health.net/blog/breathingforlife

Head Position and Blood Flow

Interestingly, being in the Child's Pose is almost like being in a gentle headstand. Lowering your head below your heart improves blood circulation, and circulation is vital! Our bodies function in opposites (feedback loop)— so what goes down must come back up, what contracts must release etc. Yet we seldom do the opposite of our usual stances; we're either upright or lying flat. Introducing this uncommon, 'upside-down' perspective can be a transformative boost to our overall well-being. (Application - listen to your body and if it doesn’t feel right, stop).


The final benefit, I believe, is surrender. In this case, I mean giving up the fight against yourself and taking the time to listen. Society portrays surrender as a sign of weakness or denying independence. The message is 'be empowered,' but what's often missing is the understanding that true empowerment comes from a foundation of surrender. Surrender brings peace, creating the space and capacity for more in your life. (Application: The key to embracing surrender lies in truth, honesty, and taking responsibility, which eliminates the need to always be right, and to fight for it!!)

The body always speaks and your symptoms are “surrender signals” to let go of what you’re forcing, and if you ignore them you risk overwhelm and an eventual breakdown. Surrender is a daily process.

In summary, the Child's Pose is not just another stretch; it's a whole-health position. It engages every system of your body in such a simple yet profound way. It's a testament to how every part of you is interconnected, contributing to your overall well-being. And in this position, it reminds you that it’s good to surrender. 

(Application - do this as often as you would like. If you can’t yet get to the floor, start on your knees with your arms on a chair).

(P.S - in this surrendered position I pray you remember that the best surrender is to Jesus Christ who loves you, and died for you so that you don’t have to be at war with yourself anymore. He has this never ending supply of love and peace to pour out into your whole body and He only asks for surrender - not to control you but to serve you.❤️)

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