22 Sep

I've spent years dedicating myself to the well-being of the body—physical fitness, nutrition, injury, tackling “dis-ease”  like autoimmune disorders and weight fluctuations. I love it all, yet I've often found myself quietly questioning should I really be focusing on the body? What's the real point of it all? If the Bible teaches us that 'life does not consist of what you eat or drink' and that our bodies are temporary vessels, should I invest SO much effort in physical health? 

Why should I tell you to care for what you eat, how best to move, or even entertain your body goals when the ultimate question is what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet lose his soul? 

And yet why would God put so much wonder and effort into our physical design and function? 

Why would He place such manifold wisdom in a temporary creation? 

I feel what seems a contradiction has come - again - because of extreme mindsets. The “world” has placed excessive focus on the physical body, leading to vanity and materialism, and then the “church” has usually swung to the opposite extreme, neglecting body care, eat whatever, focus on the eternal. Both extremes have been used to excuse each sides behaviour - both are imbalances that miss STEWARDING well-being like God intends for us.

We DO need to respect our bodies for its purpose. If you were given a musical instrument, wouldn’t you want to keep it in good condition?Not because the instrument is the point, but because of the music it's meant to create. Similarly, our bodies are finely-tuned instruments designed to "play" the best versions of ourselves—spirit, soul AND body. 

➡️Our bodies are more than just flesh and bones; they're a home for God to be present on earth.  
(1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 12:12)

➡️We have a greater purpose that’s activated THROUGH the body. not FOR it!

(Jeremiah 29:11)

➡️Even though we won't take our bodies to heaven, the way they're made tells us that God cares about our lives right now. 
(1 Corinthians 9:27; 1 Timothy 4:8).

➡️It's important to keep ourselves healthy and disciplined, just like an athlete stays in shape for the purpose of a game.

(1 Corinthians 9:27;  1 Corinthians 6:18).

➡️Our physical weaknesses allow something greater to shine through us.  (2 Corinthians 12:9), and a balanced life brings joy to us and others (Ephesians 4:3-4; 1 Thessalonians 5:23).

➡️From a science angle, our bodies are pretty awesome. They heal themselves, adapt, and everything works together, just as we need each other to function well.

(1 Corinthians 12:12-27)

➡️We were created for His pleasure (Revelations 4:11)

Regardless if you believe in God or not, He took unfathomable pleasure in creating you. 

YOUR body is a reflection of His glory. 

YOUR body is a platform to engage and experience life. 

YOUR body can be a temple of God if you’ll let Him in. 

In summary, our spirit might be what lives forever, but it's through our bodies that we experience life right now. So while it may not be the main focus, let's not neglect it.

We are meant to steward our bodies as they are a gift and an expression of God’s love. Seeing ourselves as a whole GIFT from God, for His pleasure and for the purpose of service can bring such freedom from the burden that body obsession brings. 

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