20 Apr

Everything is connected and nothing works alone.

Everything works in a feedback loop. Everything actually starts with how well the Nervous system is working. The nervous system starts and ends in the brain. 

Muscles don’t work cos you’ve gone to the gym and strengthened them. Muscles don’t relax when you’ve had a painful massage. 

You can’t expect to lose weight even if your calories are controlled and you’re doing cardio. 

Chronic mental/physical illness, pain and injury won’t heal if you keep pounding it with hard rehab, hard chemicals. 

Every part of your body works by the touch of the nerves that run from the brain to the organ, muscles, to the toes, to everywhere and back up again. You can’t expect the lights to come on - no matter how many times you flick the switch - If the electrical wires are not connected, they won’t light up. The same applies to your health. 

Your muscles, organs, digestion and mental/emotional health ALL rest on how well that electrical current is flowing. If there is any blockage, any recoil, it’s not going to effectively work. How does the nervous system respond? It ONLY responds with a gentle, non threatening soft touch. It ONLY lets go and unblocks when it’s calm and not in threat.

Are you an athlete wanting to improve your goal? Instead of training harder, why not add the softer touch or gentler restoration movements to ENHANCE your training. 
Are you wanting to lose weight, repair autoimmune or systemic blocks? Don’t do hard, short term SHOCKS. 

Why not learn gentle ways to regulate, release, repair your body’s systems! Emotional and mental struggles are actually processing blocks. It’s a heightened function, burning out and it calms down with a soft touch!!!  
Learning disabilities? You help it by calming the system, giving the brain enough time to process!!! 

In summary! Focusing on the nervous system and the ways to calm it is the key and the connecting factor. Slowing down, being gentler, working “in”, and enjoying the process is what aids you in reaching your goal no matter what it is.

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