Day 5 - How Should I Eat?

Most people have made eating about their personal purpose. We are motivated to eat for fitness goals, appearance, emotions, weight loss, celebration, and reward. Many individuals have an emotional attachment or relationship with food. Some over-indulge, while others deny themselves food.

But what is the real purpose of food?

"They'll tell you not to eat this or that food—perfectly good food God created to be eaten heartily and with thanksgiving... Everything God created is good and to be received with thanks."

God's main purpose for food was stated here in 1 Timothy 4:3, where it is said that God created food to be received with thanksgiving.

This serves as the foundational starting point for re-learning good eating habits.

Pardon? So you’re saying step 1 of my diet is to be grateful for what I’m eating?


Unknowingly, ungratefulness sneaks in when eating on the go, mindlessly, or following a have-to-diet. By functioning in these rushed and detached eating states, we inadvertently strip away the opportunity for gratitude because we have either forgotten or didn’t realise the value of it. We fail to fully appreciate the nourishment we receive, and we also fail to acknowledge the provision of food and take it for granted. To build true well-being, it is essential to slow down, be mindfully grateful for our eating experiences, and the Provider of our food.


Before you eat anything, take a moment to look at the food you're about to consume. Simply stare at it and say, "I'm grateful that this broccoli is going to provide me with vitamins and minerals. I'm so thankful that this meat will bring sustenance and energy to my body. I’m so looking forward to this meal. Wow, there is a Provider who cares for my health and pleasure”. 🤣 

It may seem trivial, but it is often the seemingly insignificant things that hold the greatest significance. Big doors swing on small hinges. It is crucial to restore the correct value and purpose to food, placing it in its rightful position. Food should not consume us; rather, we should consume it for its intended purpose. By recognising this, we can develop a balanced and healthy perspective on our relationship with food.

Be thankful for your food, what is does for you and for God who took pleasure in creating it for you.