Day 1: Introduction

We've all heard the saying that we're influenced by our environment, our family and upbringing, the media and really all that touches our senses.

It's true, that these shape our thinking patterns. 

But here's the thing: sometimes those patterns aren't necessarily the best for our hearts, minds, and bodies. And the other thing is, sometimes we don't even know those patterns are there - it's just autonomic, engrained from our upbringing and environment.  

As a man thinks, so is he.

On this platform I want to challenge those deep-rooted, subconscious thoughts that hold us back. More than that, I want to share how God can transform our perspectives to HIS perspective in incredible ways. God has already set the table for us, not for any other reason but because He is wholeheartedly set on what is truly best for us. He has no ulterior motive. He knows exactly how we're designed, and He is rooted in absolute love and wisdom.  His heart is for our ultimate well-being and freedom.

God has a different set of measures that are not defined by scale, size or opinions.  

He does not sit at the table to judge our missed marks. He’s not waiting for you to look good, eat well and control your calories before He will accept you at His table. He invites us to share a feast of freedom, acceptance, and abundant life.  These come only from truth that’s why only the truth can set you truly free. This devotional is devoted to sharing these for our health and His Glory. 

I hope you enjoy these short devotionals.