Day 4: The Plate Of Doubt and Confusion

Ive been pondering the purpose of eating. Like why did God create a body that needs food? Why weren't we designed like robots, functioning without fuel? And why do so many people struggle with food?

It struck me that food struggles have existed since the beginning of humanity. Consider this: Adam and Eve had an abundance of food at their disposal, yet they gave it all up for that one forbidden exception.

That single exception triggered FOMO, the fear of missing out on the opportunity and experience of indulging in something that wasn't even meant to be food for us.

Have you ever wondered why the serpent tempted Eve and not Adam?

God had given Adam the command distinguishing actual food from what wasn't. Adam heard the genuine heart intentions in God's voice, the desire for our well-being and the loving pleasure of providing us with food. On the other hand, Eve learned of this commandment solely through Adam. Secondhand information makes it easier to instill doubt and lead to temptation.

When it comes to your health, take a moment to list all the things that confuse you. The world has served you a plate of bewildering secondhand information. What are the messages, tips, do’s, dont’s and instructions that leave you feeling mixed up and hopeless?

To achieve good health, we must eliminate the confusion that separates us from a harmonious relationship with ourselves and food.

YOU have the power to seek firsthand revelation about your health and confidently determine what steps to take. Learn to cast aside doubts and embrace the boldness and access to health that comes with having faith in Him.